Top 5 Reasons to Upgrade

Keeping your brakes in good condition is just smart both financially and for safety reasons. No matter what type of vehicle you drive, the brakes are at the core of your safety. The problem is, these are also the most common areas to be overlooked when it comes to routine maintenance and upkeep. That puts you at risk.

Why should you upgrade your brakes now, during the holiday season? While you may be thinking about other types of purchases during this time of the year, there are some big reasons why you should focus on your brakes first.

#1: Ensure Better Brake Performance

Most manufacturers have medium-tier components used in the braking design. That means that, as long as your car is going to a moderate speed, the brakes will stop your car fast enough or slow it down enough to keep you and your passengers safe.

When you upgrade to performance brakes, you have more stopping power. That means that, in a higher speed incident or in situations where the car needs to stop fast, it has the ability to do this. To fix this, seek out semi-metallic or ceramic pads. These are an upgrade from organic material and provide better stopping ability.

#2: Reduce the Number of Repairs You Need to Make

When you upgrade to a higher quality brake now, you can count on having to visit your mechanic less frequently. These brakes tend to last longer because they do not use organic material that fades fast. For the best overall results, go with ceramic brakes that add the most life to your vehicle’s braking system.

#3: You’re Towing and That Means You Need More Braking Power

Another reason not to put off brake upgrades right now has to do with what you’re doing. If you’re traveling or towing behind your car or truck, you need solid brakes. That is especially true in the fall and winter months when road conditions tend to be at their worst. Upgrading gives your brakes more power to stop and keeps that load from causing an accident.

#4: You Want to Protect the Rotors

As noted, most vehicles have organic material brakes. While the metallic options are an upgrade, you may have those if you have an upgraded trim model. But, there’s even more reason to upgrade these to ceramic brakes.

It will reduce the noise that comes from the brakes first of all. Second, it also helps to minimize the amount of material that’s coming off the brake. Over time, this damages your rotor and that can be expensive to repair.

#5: You Want to Add a Bit of Pizzaz to Your Car

Let’s face it. It’s the holidays and if you want to do something for yourself (and your car) then upgrading to some good-looking performance brakes is definitely one way to do it. That, with a new set of wheels, could really add some character to your brakes and give you the type of look you want. The end result? Now is the time to upgrade. The longer you wait, the more risk is present, especially in slick conditions.

Ready to start on your brake project?

At R1 Concepts Brake Parts online, we offer high quality brake rotors, pads, caliper and more. Shop online or give us a call today at  888-712-6623.