Super Street Fighter 4

You all probably already heard about the new Super Street Fighter 4 coming out soon.  I am not as excited as I was when  I heard about Street Fighter 4 was announced.  I think it is too early for Capcom to release an new street fighter and i think it should be a downloadable content on xbox live or PS Network.  Buying a game that you already have but with a few new upgrades for full price is not really worth it.  I might end up buying it though, mainly due to the online play because it is very competitive.  Casual gamers will most likly not purchase and rent it instead just to try it out.  Super Street Fighter is going to have new characters, Dee Jay, T Hawk and Yuri has already been announced with  more to come.  I also hope there will be some new combos or even some animations upgrades for the super and special moves.  Hope to see you guys online.