10 Things to do to the House before taking a Road Trip

Following up on the blog ’10 Things to do before taking a Road Trip during the Holidays,’ here are 10 things you should do to the house before leaving on the Road Trip.

1.  Water all necessary plants in the house.

2.  Supply additional food for pets, if any.

3.  Make sure all unnecessary appliances around the house is shut off.  (Don’t forget the air and heater.)

4.  Add additional window locks.  There are many types of window locks.  There are even window locks with keys, where if intruders break the window, they won’t be able to open the window without the key.  Some of the window locks uses Allen keys.  If someone was to break the window they still can use an Allen key to take off the locks.  It all depends what kind of window it is.

5.  Add additional garage locks, so they can’t be open even with the push of the automatic garage opener.  If the lock can be inside of the garage, its even better because there’s no outside access.

6.  Add auto timers for lighting to give it that ‘someone is home look.’  There are digital timers where each day of the week can get set to different timing.  Home Depot they have a variety of different ones to choose from: www.homedepot.com.

7.  Make sure the house alarm is set on and that the alarm service agency has your cell number and other numbers to contact you in case the alarm goes off.  If you don’t have an alarm systems get those battery powered alarm sensors.  If the senors goes off it turns on the alarm sirens.

8.  Have a trust worthy neighbor, or better yet friend and family to contact in case there’s an emergency at the home.  Also maybe if they can come by daily to check the outside of the house to make sure window or door are not damaged.

9.  Make sure all expensive personal items are locked and hidden in secure place.  There many fake house hold products that are used as a hidden stash.

10. Knowing these step are checked and double check, you then have little worries and have a great vacation.

Happy Holidays everyone!!!

When vacation time is over and everyone is back a home.  Please remember to take off the extra security lock or just make sure each lock has access to the key.  In case of an emergency,  and exit plan must be taken.  For instance, in case the window need to be an exit plan remember to have access to the window lock key.